
Build a collection list with

Create a list of things for your community to collect, and a place where they can find, track and share their progress.

What is a Collection List?

Collecting is big!

Completing things is a big motivator for people. u2collect allows you to harness this force, and build engagement and revenue, as your community check-off their wish-list.


Create a list of "things" that your community will want to collect. Your u2collect site becomes the record of each member's collection. Tracking their "Got It" list and their "Wish" list for them and the community to see.


u2collect allows you set achievement groups, lists of items that give the members an award on their profile when they complete all the items in the achievement group.


You can earn revenue from your u2collect list by charging a monthly or annual membership, and for listing advertising for things related to the items in your List.

How does u2collect work?


Do it Yourself

Our world leading platform allows you to build, customise and manage your list - with no technical skills.


Design the list you want with your rules, your pricing and your understanding of the subject matter.

In Hours

Get your list up and running in hours and adjust your business model as you go!

Create your collection list in 4 easy steps!

What's in the List?

Tell us what "thing" your community collects and what information it needs.

How does it operate?

Tell us your rules for your members.

What does it look like?

Tell us your preferred layout and color scheme.

Add your items!

Add your items or load a list of items, or ask your members to add items to complete your list.

That's it - Your list is ready!

Affordable Pricing

We make if easy, with a free Lite membership for small free lists.

  • Free
  • Build One List
  • Up to 200 Free Members
  • Up to 500 Items
US 15/mo
  • Earn Income
  • Build multiple Lists
  • Up to 1000 Free or Paying Members
  • Up to 2000 Items
US 45/mo
  • Earn Income
  • Build multiple Lists
  • Unlimited Members & Items
  • Embed in your Own Website

u2collect in action!

See u2collect in action at our Napa Wineries Collection, or County or USA State Lists.


Frequently Asked Questions

We love talking lists, so if your question isn't here, please drop us a note.

A u2collect list can contain anything that can be Checked Off. Things to own, do, or experience. You may have a list that is hard to find, it might be an extensive list, or a short top 10 list.

You can choose to allow members to add items to the list, or lock this, so you add all the items you want in the list. Members can add these to their completed list or their wish list but not add new items.

Your list can be free for members or require paid memberships. It may be open the the public or require membership to search the list.

We'll be surprised if u2collect can't build your dream list!

It's very easy to create. Normally its more about thinking through what things you want in your list, what features you will use to categorise them and what questions will be part of any review.

Once you know what you want to do... it's easy.

We do have some restrictions, such as lists that are offensive or illegal.

Other than that its up to your imagination !

The Lite and Standard subscriptions run your list at your u2collect web page, you can link these into your website. Professional subscribers can embed their list inside their own website pages. You can easily tailor the look and feel to make it fit right in.

Your list talks to the u2collect data servers, where the information is held just like your website would talk to google maps or other cloud plugins.

Sure, any item in your list can be posted to a user's Facebook page or twitter feed.

They click the a button and then write what they wish... the post includes the item image (for Facebook) and a direct link back to that item in your list.

Yes... you control who has access to your list. You can use it to for yourself, your family, friends or whoever.

Of course... you may choose to charge monthly or annual membership fees, and you can earn advertising fees by allowing members to place an ad that they believe is matched to up to 4 items in your list. When one of those items is displayed the ad may appear with a link to further information.

Membership and listing fees are collected through Stripe, and credited to your Stripe account, less Stripe fees and a 10% u2collect processing charge.

u2collect has a simple list builder. Feel free to start designing right away. This is a great way to think through all the questions that a list needs.

The Start Designing link will start you on your way. Don't be concered if you make mistakes or feel you are guessing.

Everying can be adjusted later on in the u2collect designer.

Check our examples ablve and visit Napa Wineries or Great Cycling Climbs. Browse the collection of Wineries and Cycling Climbs... try it out - It's free to join Napa wineries!

Of course, your item list and members are yours. Our Management tool gives you lots of download options!


Follow our simple step by step process

In just a few minutes you can be up and running!